Btw, Mc Donald Happy meal akan dapat RIO nye watak!
Rasa cm nak beli je..Hehehe..
Chumel duh!!
Blu dan Jewel..So Shweet..
Nnt bila2 free, p la tgk k??
Rugi xtgk lg2 bila fikiran anda ke langet!
Oh..lepas tu bila da abes tgk je tgn tetibe merah!!
Pergh!! Mana dtgnye merah tu ntah?Tersepit kat seat kot?hehehe...
Tp mmg sakit yea merah itu..mendalam kesannya!!
Smpi dah mnd pn cuba ilangkan merah itu, oh..rupanya tggl kesan smpi dalam muscle bisep dan trisep aku nieh!! ^_^

dia terpakse terbang dan berjaya!!
^_^ terbang ke langet..tinggi wooo!!

Dan sering memperlekehkan Blu sbb tak pandai terbang..
Akhirnya, ................

Chumel nye!!
Tgk lah video embed code..Click Jamy Foxx Fly Love
Bwh nie lak lagi satu..
nota: ^_^ cite nie best!
nota: ^_^ terbang ke langet la!!
Tgk lah video embed code..Click Jamy Foxx Fly Love
"I know that I'm feeling so much more than ever before
And so I'm giving more to you than I though I could do
Don't know how it happened, don't know why, but you don't really need a reason
When the stars shine
Just to fall in love
Made to love each other, made to be together for a life time
In the sunshine
Flying in the sky
Now I know love is real
So when sky high, as the angels dry
Letting you and I fly love"
And so I'm giving more to you than I though I could do
Don't know how it happened, don't know why, but you don't really need a reason
When the stars shine
Just to fall in love
Made to love each other, made to be together for a life time
In the sunshine
Flying in the sky
Now I know love is real
So when sky high, as the angels dry
Letting you and I fly love"
Bwh nie lak lagi satu..
nota: ^_^ cite nie best!
nota: ^_^ terbang ke langet la!!
macam best je citer ni...
btw ada pengajaran pada watak Blu.. ^_^
^_^ best2!!
p la tgk nnt eh??
chumel sgt2!!
best ke cter "Rio" ni?? berbaloi ke tengok?? haha
wah... cute...
ak pon mo terbang juga la...^^
shez..haha..berbaloi ke x ke xtau la..mule2 boring gak tp lame2 ok la..xde la trok sgt pn..:-)
tp kenape highlight rio tu jd "rio" eh?
Shamsuddin..cute2..^_^ moh2 terbang make sure kene blja trbg dulu...hehe
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